happy holidays!

It's that time of the year when my husband and I start strategizing about our annual holiday cards: what will they feature (general holiday greeting, cute pic of the kids, something else?), to whom will we send them (everyone we know, just those we received from last year, some other subset?), when will we (I) find time to write and address them? Critical decisions, right?

As we were discussing it this year, my husband had the idea to graph a holiday greeting. I was skeptical. Clearly, I've had an influence on him, though, as he actually took out a blank piece of paper and started sketching his idea. I'll admit, upon seeing it, I found it clever. I spent some time realizing it in my graphing application. Here's how it turned out:


And while we opted for a cute kid pic for the card that we will mail, I thought this might be something fun to share with you: my happy holiday greeting to you, my readers. Also, if you haven't yet landed on the perfect card this year and want to use it, consider it my gift. Feel free to use and modify for your own needs. You can download the high res image here or the Excel file here.  

Speaking of gifts, I've heard that this can make a great one for the data-minded individuals in your life!

Happy holidays!