show & tell for effective data communication

There is something that has become increasingly apparent to me over the past decade plus that I’ve focused on teaching people to create graphs that make sense and weave them into compelling data stories: the important role that the individual plays in making the overall scenario successful. Maybe you can make a great graph, but can you speak about it in a way that makes people want to listen and engage?

To set yourself up for success, both the show and the tell should be strong.

That’s in a large part what motivated me to write storytelling with you: plan, create, and deliver a stellar presentation. The subtitle outlines the three subsections of the book: plan, create, and deliver. Each of these is composed of four chapters. Jumping to the end: that’s four whole chapters devoted to preparing yourself to deliver content effectively. There are a number of super practical things you can do to increase your comfort, confidence, and capability when speaking about your work, which is what I share. You can get sample content from the initial chapter within that section (Chapter 10: refine through practice). The entire book will be available in late September and is available for preorder.

In the meantime…I’ll be covering concrete tips related to both show and tell for effective data communication in a short session this Friday, August 12th at the Data Analytics Career Summit. It’s virtual and free, simply register to join. Tune in at 9AM CT to see my opening keynote—I hope to see you there!




an accessible makeover


how do I give an unbiased recommendation to my analysis?