lead with story
When asked to write a guest blog post for this month's focus on storytelling on the Tableau Public Blog, I spent some time reflecting: if I had just a single lesson to share, what's the #1 piece of advice I'd give in this space? I'd boil it down to three simple words: lead with story. The following is the guest post I authored.
leverage animation: what you present vs. what you circulate
A common challenge in storytelling with data is the following conundrum. When presenting content live, you want to be able to walk your audience through the story, focusing on just the relevant part of the visual. However, the version that gets circulated to your audience - as pre-read or takeaway, or for those who weren't able to attend the meeting - needs to be able to stand on its own without you, the presenter, there to walk the audience through it. In this post, we examine a strategy for dealing with this challenge.
alternatives to pies
My disdain for pie charts is well documented. While opinions on their usefulness run the gamut, I am certainly not alone in my contempt. In my workshops, I sometimes get the question, "In what situation would you recommend a pie chart?" For me, the answer is never. There are a number of alternatives, each with their own benefits. It's these alternatives that I'll focus on in this post.
the story you want to tell...and the one your data shows
This is a case where the story being told wasn't quite right, or at least wasn't exactly the story I would tell after looking at the data in a couple of different ways. Here, I'll walk you through my thought process and makeover.