become an SWD Scholar

As you know, we're big advocates of practicing to develop data storytelling skills—we've written an entire book on this topic! Reading a book, however, isn’t the same as mastering a skill. It takes time and dedication to grow.

If you're seeking a structured, hands-on learning experience with accountability and the chance to connect with fellow data professionals and enthusiasts, our 8-week online session is perfect for you. Starting on September 23, 2024, this intensive program offers a deep dive into data storytelling through weekly lectures and a variety of resources, including books, blogs, podcasts, videos, and exercises. You'll also engage in weekly assignments designed to enhance your learning experience and make concrete progress on a project of choice—taking steps towards crafting and delivering your own data-driven story. 

We've thoroughly enjoyed getting to know past cohort members. Our SWD Scholars are an amazing group of diverse individuals from over 20 different countries! With instructors based in the US and the UK, we accommodate a global audience with weekly office hours and both live and recorded lectures.

Each one of our scholars is able to bring a project of their own to the class, and applies our lessons to it as the weeks go by. The transformation of skills we've witnessed is even more amazing. The following is a small sampling of participant projects—check out the dramatic differences between the first and last week.

Often, people don't think they are capable of such an achievement in a short amount of time, but we break the process into manageable steps over the course of eight weeks. You’ll learn a repeatable approach to effectively communicate your data stories. Along the way, we offer feedback on weekly assignments and answer questions during live lectures and office hours.

Join us on the next journey to become an SWD Scholar. Our fall session starts on September 23, 2024. Due to the highly immersive nature of the online course, enrollment is limited—secure your spot today!